Membrane Instruments ILM Pick 20G VR-2099 – 20G 20G ILM Pick Angled 0.8mm sharp tip. ILM Pick 23G VR-2100 – 23G 23G ILM Pick Angled 0.6mm sharp tip. ILM Pick 25G VR-2097 – 25G 25G ILM Pick Angled 0.5mm sharp tip. Membrane Knob VR-2095 – 20G Membrane Knob Rounded, smooth, blunt instrument, angled 135°, 2mm from the tip. Membrane Peeler VR-2091 – 20G Membrane Peeler (suitable for use with Trocar 0.9mm) Rounded, blunt instrument with notch in shaft for peeling membra Membrane Rake VR-2094 – 20G Membrane Rake Flat, thin instrument angled 135°, 1mm from the tip. Membrane Spatula VR-2092 – 20G Membrane Spatula Flat, thin, blunt spatula. 90mm wide, angled 135°, 4mm from the tip. Membrane Spatula (Curved) VR-2096 -20G Membrane Spatula (Curved) Flat, thin, blunt spatula. 90mm wide, curved 135°, 2mm from the tip Membrane Spatula/Knife VR-2093 – 20G Membrane Spatula/Knife Flat, thin spatula .90mm wide, with sharp tip angled 135°, 5mm from the tip.